
November 9, 2011

Share a Meatball with your Sister

November 9, 2011
I have three sisters. 

Last year when we were married, my two sisters and my hubby's sister teamed up and we all decided to become sisters. And even though we are scattered a bit and busy most of the time...I am lucky to have them. 

Last year we decided to start a tradition called Sibling Christmas. We had all three sisters over to our place on Boxing Day (awesome Canadian holiday, if you don't know what it is, you should wish you did) and pretended that we all lived in the same home as siblings and recreated Christmas. At night we got in our jammies, I read a story (Are you my Mother?), we ate inordinate amounts of candy and sweets, opened stockings, had a sleep over, and opened presents the next morning. We each got to play Secret Santa to one of the other siblings,  and presented them with our gifts.

I told them that for Christmas Dinner they could pick whatever meal they wanted. What did they pick, you ask? 

MEATBALLS. Obviously.

I actually don't know why they love it so much. Its just a quick and easy meal that warms up your insides on a cold day. So in the spirit of the blowing chilly air and the email I just got to tell me which sibling I get to give a gift to this it is folks: 

What you need: 
1 package of frozen meatballs (I like Angus beef, but anything works)
1 bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce
1 cup Basmati Rice (long grain rice, 1 cup is good for 2 people)
Vegetable oil

The recipe for rice is one that has been passed down from my grandmother, or Bibi as we call her. Its not exactly precise, but once you understand the measurements, it makes sense. 

(Pictures go left to right, top to bottom in explanation)

For two people, I use one cup of dry rice. If you have a minute or two, always try to rinse the rice, and if you have more time, soak it for a bit. While the rice is soaking, put about a tablespoon of vegetable oil at the bottom of a saucepan with approximately 1/2 teaspoon of salt and heat at medium high. The oil should spread to cover the bottom of the pan (see picture). Do not wait too long to add the rice to the pan, do not let the oil start to smoke. Drain the rice and add it to the pan, its okay if it sizzles. Quickly follow up with some water. Start with a cup, and then do the spoon test (see picture 4). Take a spoon and place it up against the side of the pan, with the bottom touching the pan and slide it to the center pushing the rice with it. If the rice just barely pokes up through the surface of the water at the center, you have enough. Add or take away depending on the rice, if its still submerged, you might have too much and if its sticking up far above the water, you need more water.

Turn the heat up to high and let the water come to a rolling boil. Once it is boiling, cover the pot and lower the temperature to low. Let it simmer for approximately 15 minutes. Try not to peek and lift up the lid, but you will notice that when its ready, the surface of the rice will have little holes and it will look plump and not wet. Uncover the rice and toss with a spoon. Now its ready to serve!

I cheat with the meatballs, you of course can make them yourself. One day I will share my homemade meatball recipe that I stuff with cheese and use with spaghetti. But for now, boxed frozen meatballs will do the trick, and are something you can stash in your freezer for a quick meal.  

(Pictures go left to right, top to bottom in explanation)

My cooking oil of choice is always Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I like to brown my meat as it adds to the flavour and makes the meatballs look rich in colour. To do this, I put a heaping tablespoon or two of olive oil at the bottom of a saucepan and heat it on medium high. Once the oil is hot, and has spread to cover the bottom of the pan, I add the meatballs and cover the pot. Toss them every so often until the surfaces have a golden brown colour (see picture).

While the meatballs are heating up, I make a mixture of BBQ sauce to coat the meatballs. We enjoy Bullseye BBQ sauce, but feel free to use whatever your favorite is. I add as much sauce as will coat the meatballs well. Often I add a bit of water to the sauce to make it more liquid and that allows for some evaporation of steam as the meatballs heat. If you want to give them a kick, add some garlic powder or pepper OR to make the sauce sweeter, add some maple syrup to the sauce. Have fun with it, and be sure to taste your sauce to see if it suits your liking. Once everything is heated through, its ready to serve!

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